Política de la tienda

When registering, customers voluntarily determine that they wish to provide their personal data required when contracting, updating or canceling certain services offered on or through the website, such as: promotions, online store purchases, contact with customer service and others.

The information collected by Internet users browsing the mentasiruela online store is used with the basic purpose of identifying: the public, user, their profile and purchasing habits, for management, administration, service, expansion and improvements in the products and services offered ; and also to adapt the services to the preferences and tastes of users; for the creation of new products and services; for sending operational and commercial information related to products and services.

The data registered on the website, such as name, address, e-mail and telephone number, are protected by systems and kept confidential on our servers. The data used for payment, especially Credit Card, is only used at the time of purchase and is not registered on our servers.

mentasiruela reserves the right to share the collected data, partially or fully, with third-party companies to offer solutions targeted at optimizing services and making products available.

We do our best to ensure that information on mentasiruela.com is complete, accurate and current. Despite our efforts, however, information on mentasiruela.com may occasionally be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. All specifications, products, descriptions and prices of products at mentasiruela.com are subject to change at any time without notice.

The elements included in this website (photos, designs, logos, etc.) cannot be reproduced, used, adapted or commercialized without the written approval of mentasiruela.

mentasiruela reserves the right to modify, alter, add or remove portions of these Policies at any time. We recommend that you review this policy each time you visit the mentasiruela website.

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